2024-12-08 (version 1.20)
added FORCE Product Import
restore / reload EOTSV workbench from QGIS Project, e.g. time series sources, map layer styles (rendering + symbology), map extent, crs and current date
optimized map rendering
background tasks can be canceled in task manager.
fixed fatal crash related to a missing QgsRasterDataProvider python ref
2024-09-29 (version 1.19)
API fixes to run with QGIS 3.34 - 3.38
updates Spectral Library Module
enabled tooltips in MapCanvas context menu
attribute table: next / previous feature buttons consider order as shown in table
fixed VRT building
fixed context menu connection in QGIS environments with other languages than english
maps can flash selected features
spectral profiles now extracted with context information
2023-04-07 (version 1.18)
Stability Update
removed several issues related to updates in QGIS and GDAL
updated QPS library, which introduces several updates to the SpectralLibrary handling
2021-03-10 (version 1.17)
quick raster band selection and GDAL Metadata panel now appear in QGIS layer properties dialog
fixed smaller issues related to plugin loading and unloading
added bulk loading from time series definition files
fixes to run with QGIS 3.18+
move to next/previous observation with arrow right/left
move to next/previous observation window with CTRL + arrow right/left or A/D
move to last/first observation with End/Pos1 or ALT + A/D
select next/previous vector feature with arrow downs/up or S/W
added option for exclusive visibility of map views
show next/previous map view with PageDown/PageUp or ALT + S/W
set map center from/to QGIS with F1/ALT+F1
set map extent from/to QGIS with F2/ALT+F2
modified observation slider, slider shows range of visible dates
2021-02-02 (version 1.16)
fixed smaller issues
forward / backward button to move in time now shifts by number of opened observation dates/maps
next / previous feature button offers to (i) move to the next feature and (ii) update the map dates according to the availability of raster sources for the new map extent
faster updates of observation data visibility
2020-11-23 (version 1.15)
source files can be opened by drag and drop to the time series tree view
maps can be organized in multiple rows per map view (rows x columns)
map descriptions can be defined with QgsExpressions, e.g. ‘@map_date’ to show the date
quick labels: CTRL + right mouse button opens map menu even when the feature modify map tool is activates
source visibility update can be run on entire time series or (new and faster) for the next time steps only
added “follow current date” option to time series table to keep focus on the map window date range
added wildcard + regular expression filter to time series table
smaller bug fixes and improvements
2020-11-06 (version 1.14)
this version focuses on stability updates and improvements of the “quick label” system
map canvas menu now available with standard map tool (like zoom tool)
introduces label groups to apply quick labeling short cuts on different sets of vector fields
attribute table allow to selected added features automatically
optimized package imports
improved SpectralLibrary tool
fixed bugs
2020-07-23 (version 1.13)
time series and map settings can be stored to and reloaded from QGIS Projects
refactored layer styling and default raster stretching
fixed CRS translation bug and other smaller bugs
quick labels can be used to write date / datetime data into vector fields of type QDate or QDateTime
refactored context menus, e.g. in map view layer tree view, fixed #106
2020-04-09 (version 1.12)
TimeSeries tree view allows to change the visibility of single source images, e.g. to hide clouded observations
several updates to the Spectral Library Widget, e.g. import / export of profiles from ASD, ARTMO, EcoSYS or SPECCHIO
EOTSV allows to open images from sources with subdatasets, e.g. from Sentinel-2 or HDF images.
2020-01-23 (version 1.11)
revised unit tests for CI pipelines
fixed smaller issues in SensorModel
fixed #103: EOTSV crashed on Linux, caused by an attempt to storing a unpickable QgsTextFormat to QSettings
2019-11-25 (version 1.10)
improved matching of source images to sensors: matching can be specified in the settings dialog. Sensor matching based on ground sampling distance + number of bands + data type and optionally wavelength and/or sensor name
settings dialog shows known sensor / product specification and allows to modify their default “sensor name”
fixed copying of layer styles to maps of same sensor and map view type
improved speed of mapping and layer buffering
failed image sources are logged in the EO Time Series Viewer log panel
Spectral Library Viewer better handles large collections of spectral profiles
2019-10-02 (version 1.9)
includes several smaller updates
fixed error ‘shortcutVisibleInContextMenu’ error that occurred with Qt < 5.10
enhanced wavelength extraction from GDAL metadata: wavelength can be specified per band
2019-09-19 (version 1.8)
updated spectral library module
fixed #104: error in case of wrong spatial extent
default CRS properly shown in map view settings
user-defined CRS visible
2019-08-06 (version 1.7)
increased contrast for default map view text
improved reading of wavelength information, e.g. from Pleiades, Sentinel-2 and RapidEye data
temporal profile plot: data gaps can be shown by breaks in the profile line, data source information is correctly shown for selected points only
current extent can be copied via MapCanvas context menu
fixed #102: move maps to date of interest selected in a temporal profile plot
2019-07-16 (version 1.6)
re-design of map visualization: faster and more compact, the number of maps is fixed to n dates x m map views
date, sensor or map view information can be plotted within each map and become available in screenshots
releases map layers that are not required any more
slider + buttons to navigate over time series
fixed preview in crosshair dialog
2019-07-07 (version 1.5)
closing the EO Time Series Viewer instance will release all of its resources
added “Lock Map Panel” to avoid unwanted resizing of central widget
fixed missing updates of time series tree view when adding / removing source images
map canvas context menu lists layers with spatial extent intersecting the cursor position only
fixes feature selection error
added quick label source image to label the path of raster layer
2019-07-02 (version 1.4)
adding vector layers with sublayers will add all sublayers
map canvas context menu “Focus on Spatial Extent” will hide maps without time series data for the current spatial extent
labeling dock allows to iterate over vector features. the spatial map extent will be centered to each feature (#26)
added several convenience function to TimeSeriesViewer object
fixed a bug that did not allow to create new polygon features
temporal profile visualization: fixed icons to preview selected plot style, coordinate described by “
”, e.g. “42 Deforested”, fixed plot style preview updated SpectralLibraryViewer
fixed spelling error in stacked band input dialog
MapViews can add raster layers that have been opened in QGIS, e.g. XYZ Tile with OpenStreetMap data
2019-06-12 (version 1.3)
fixed #99: opening example closes QGIS on linux
fixed #96 and #99 : docutils not installed error when showing rst/md content
fixed #97: TSV does not start (Linux)
2019-05-31 (version 1.2)
added SaveAllMapsDialog and menu option to export all maps as image files.
fixed #91: select Temporal Profile / Spectral Profile button activates the required map tools.
fixed #92: map canvas context menu “copy to clipboard” options.
2019-05-24 (version 1.1)
dates and data sources of the TimeSeries are now shown in a TreeView instead TableView
observation dates of current visible map canvases are highlighted in the time series tree view
sensor raster layer properties can be opened from MapView layer tree #87. Stats will be related to center mapcanvas.
fixed: StackedInputDialog, MapCanvas context menu, “Save Changes?” labeling dialog (#85), remove temporal profile ( #86), draw new feature error (#84), Crosshair button status (#90), and some more
2019-05-15 (version 1.0, major update)
labeling tools to modify vector layers.
quick labeling for time-labels information
synchronization with QGIS Map canvas center
SpectralLibrary can import SpectralProfiles from a raster image based on vector positions
simplified MapView control dock, each MapView has it’s own layer tree.
improved MapTool organization
removed PyQtGraph from list of required external python packages
renamed plugin folder from “timeseriesviewerplugin” to “EOTimeSeriesViewer”.
improved SpectraLibrary tool
CI tests with bitbucket pipelines
several bug fixes
2019-03-01 (version 0.8)
added labeling panel
scheduled map canvas refreshes
multiple images per observationdata & sensor
fixed several bugs
fixed bugs which where caused by CRS changes
fixed macOS QGIS (3.4.1.) crashes caused by QgsMapCanvas constructor
uses QgsTaskManager for background loading
own QgsMapLayerStore to not mix-up with (main) QGIS layers
fixed bugs related to changes in QGIS API
2018-06-20 (version 0.7)
Visualization of images with stacked temporal information (each band = one observation date)
some bugfixes
Speclib I/O as CSV or ENVI-Spectral Library + CSV table for attributes
temporary VRTs now created in-memory (gdal VSI mechanism) instead in a disk temp path
Spectral Library: profile coordinate now in center of map pixel (issue #66)
Save map canvas to clipboard
Width of plot lines now scale-independent (issue #64, QPen.setCosmetic(True))
adding fields to spectral library (issue #61)
2018-06-04 (version 0.6)
SpectralLibrary Module
now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer
Locations and values of spectral profile can be exported as vector data set
Locations of spectral profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases
Temporal Profile Module
now based on in-memory QgsVectorLayer
Locations of temporal profiles can be exported as vector data set
Band values of temporal profiles can be exported as CSV file
Locations of temporal profiles can be rendered on MapCanvases
2018-04-17 (version 0.5)
ported to QGIS 3, Qt5 and Python 3.6
improvements in temporal profile visualization
removed several bug
visibility of vector and raster layers can be toggled per map view
improved interaction between QGIS and EOTSV (Buttons to import/export spatial extent of map canvas or center)
improved definition of individual 2D / 3D charts per sensor & pixel-location
added based OpenGL based 3D plot features (axis, grids, labels)
changed name to “EO Time Series Viewer” (EOTSV)
merged updates to temporal profile visualization, e.g. save temporal profiles, compare 2D profiles between different location, experimental 3D visualization
added file filters for OpenFileDialog
initialized Sphinx-based documentation
improved map visualization + map settings
many changes, done in development branch “develop”,
e.g: QGIS MapCanvases for interactive maps, temporal profiles, …
first setup for test users in the recent development branch